Whether you are looking for a volunteer opportunity to enhance your historical knowledge of this fascinating area, or want to help with events, get involved with a community of like-minded folks, or just lend moral and financial support, there is something at the Fallbrook Historical Society for you.
We are looking for members who would like to fill these positions:
- Maintenance Supervisor
- Membership Chair
- Finance committee Chair and members
- Develop endowments
- Apply for grants
- Raise Money
- Cut costs
- Barn Curator
- Main Museum Curator
- Railroad Display Curator
- Asset acquisition and display team members
We are also looking for members who would like to help set up or help clean up before and after special events.
To volunteer, please call 760-723-4125 or email info@fallbrookhistoricalsociety.org
Docents wanted
Become a docent, learn more about the history of Fallbrook, and share your knowledge with guests and other Historical Society Members. Drop by The Heritage Center, Email or call for more information. Docent Program