Robert J. Morse
Robert Morse was the son of T. Collins Morse and Gertrude Stewart Morse. Robert’s father, known as Colley, moved to Fallbrook with his parents and siblings in 1916. They lived on a ranch across the road from the Fall Brook (Reche) school. Colley and the other younger Morse children attended the Fall Brook school. Colley met his future wife, Gertrude Stewart at the Fall Brook School. T. Collins Morse and Gertrude were marred in 1921.

Colley Morse was assistant manager of the Fallbrook Produce and Supply Association. This business was located on East Alvarado Street next to the railroad and east of the Standard Oil Company tanks. Colley, Gertrude and Robert lived briefly in the two story house across Alvarado Street on Brandon Road until they moved to a 10 acre ranch at Red Mountain. After the Association buildings burned, Colley stared his own welding business. Colley always enjoyed participating in community festivals. He was one of the winners of the 1952 Pioneer Day beard-growing contest.

Thomas Riley, Billie Barbara, Marian Louise, Richard Lawrence
and Robert J.

Robert Morse attended Fallbrook High School. After graduation Robert had a brief service with the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps). He then served with the Army Air Corps in WWII, flying in B-17’s in North Africa and Italy. Robert also served in the Korean war. After his military service, Robert joined his dad in the welding business in Fallbrook. Robert retired after many years as a civilian worker on Camp Pendleton. After this retirement he worked for the Camp Pendleton Employees Union. Robert’s contributions to the Fallbrook community include 14 years as president of the Little League and also as president of the Camp Pendleton Employees Union.
Robert’s ancestors inhabited Fallbrook from it’s earliest days. His great great grandfather, George P. Clark, a Civil War vetran, and his wife Mary Ellen Fox Clark came to Fallbrook in 1882. They filed for homestead of 160 acres between E. Mission and Reche Roads along what is now I15 in 1890.

George and Mary’s daughter, Annie Clark, was 24 when they came to California. Soon afterword she married James E. King. James was homesteading along the Santa Margarita River. The floods of 1883-1884 destroyed their farmlands. Annie and James made a new homestead on the north side of the river near Galivan Moutain.

Robert’s grandmother, Ellen King, was born on the Galivan Mountain Mountain homestead. His grandfather, Fred Stewart, came to Fallbrook in 1888 with his five brothers and sisters and his parents, William and Mary Grier Stewart. They purchased 80 acres in the canyon known today as Stewart Canyon. Fred married 17 year old Ellen King in 1901 when Fred was foreman on the red Mountain Ranch.